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Mercedes Car Care Tips

Here are some tips that will help you take care of your Mercedes car:

Check for oil regularly

You will need to change your car’s oil regularly for various reasons.

  • Oil can get non-viscous if left in the car for too long. This can lead to a decrease in car performance, and sometimes even clog some parts of the engine.
  • Regularly changing oil can also dramatically improve the performance of your car and make it easy to work.
  • Oil can lubricate the engine and absorb the heat of the engine, therefore decreasing the number of times your car stops working due to heat-ups.

You will need to find Mercedes service Dubai to change your car’s oil in an efficient way.

Regularly monitor tire pressure

Another important thing to look out for is tire pressure. The Mercedes cars come equipped with the most premium and comfortable tires for most roads. However, all tires are still made out of rubber and enough wear and tear can cause them to start losing pressure.

Most Mercedes cars are recommended to have a pressure between 32 to 35 psi for each tire that is not being used at the moment. If you are looking to save up to 70 percent of agency prices on Mercedes repair Dubai, you can visit Apex Auto garage in Dubai.

Maintain the windshield washer fluid

The washer fluid is what is responsible for the water that the windshield will keep throwing at your windows if they get dirty. In an area like Dubai where dust is a big issue, we recommend regularly filling the windshield washer fluid.

You can either buy special windshield washer fluid from any Mercedes service Dubai shop, use distilled water. Both have no lingering impact on the performance of the car, but using mineral water can eventually clog up the pipes.

Check for brakes, headlights, indicators

The brakes, headlights and indicators of your car are made out of materials that will run out eventually. All bulbs and lights are designed to work for a certain amount of time. This means that your headlights and indicators might go out randomly. Similarly, you might notice that your brake isn’t as tight as it used to be.

Both of these situations can escalate dangerously. We recommend checking your brakes, headlights and indicators at least once a week, and ensuring that they are working in top-notch conditions. If you fear that any of these things are going bad, we recommend that you should look for Mercedes repair Dubai services. In order to get discounted services, you can try Apex Auto Garage. You will hopefully find your Mercedes car as good as new in just a matter of hours, if not days.

Final Thoughts:

We hope this article was able to help you find all the things you needed to know about how to maintain your Mercedes car.

How To Keep Your Car Healthy – A Blog

Just as you may indulge yourselves in the weekly or monthly self- care routine, your vehicles require some TLC too (Technical and Logistical Care). Just because you have been able to push through with minor problems does not mean that it won’t add up to a bigger issue for you later on.

Regular preventive car maintenance is probably the single most important thing you can do to keep your vehicle in mint condition and save on future car repairs. However, there are instances where your car might need an out-of-turn run to the service center, even if you get regular servicing done.

The following checks help you identify any niggles your car might have so that you can take care of them before they balloon into something troublesome!

1.   Bring on the Battery

If your battery is more than two years old, consider replacing it to avoid unexpected breakdowns during the year! Get to the battery enclosure, and check if the connections are clean and corrosion-free.

2.   Get some Cool on

Coolants should be flushed and refilled at least once in every two years in most vehicles. You need to use a mix of coolant and distilled water, as using 100% coolant is not advisable. A mechanic will be able to help you create the perfect mix for your car.

3.   Brake without Haste

Keeping the brakes in good condition is very important, as they form the first line of safety during emergencies. Look for screechy noises while you brake – this is a sign of break pad wear. Get them replaced if this is the case.

4.   Rolling it right

Tire treads wear out over time – and if the tread depth is less than 2/32nd of an inch, it’s time to change the tire. Also, maintaining proper pressure ensures longer tire life – Just check the tire pressure every time you fill your fuel tank!

5.   Stranger than friction

Changing the oil at recommended intervals goes a long way in keeping the engine smooth. Also, check the fuel, air and transmission filters when you’re doing the oil check.

6.   Wipe it right

Changing weather affects windshield wipers, making their rubber hard and brittle. Simple visual check is enough – and replacing wiper blades on time can help you get a clear vision during night-time driving. These tests seem like no-brainers, but we tend to miss the obvious often. Carry out these tests once every few months in addition to regular car servicing, and your vehicle will repay you with years, even decades, of loyal service!

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